Police Horse Dances With A Jazz Band Playing On The Street
The police officer and his horse approach the large crowd watching the jazz band perform live and they can't resist joining the party.
Kenny Fernandez

Los caballos de policía tienen un trabajo muy importante. No solo les dan a los oficiales una mayor altura y visibilidad, sino que a menudo se encuentran en primera línea en situaciones potencialmente peligrosas, como disturbios y protestas a gran escala. Un buen caballo policía tiene que ser valiente, tranquilo y tener reacciones rápidas, habilidades que ni siquiera muchos de nosotros, los humanos, podríamos dominar.

Al decir eso, aunque los caballos policías tienen trabajos increíblemente importantes, ante todo son una mascota. Los caballos policía todavía requieren el amor, la atención y el entretenimiento que cualquier otro caballo necesitaría.

Entonces, cuando un oficial de policía y su caballo se encontraron con una banda de jazz en vivo en la calle, no pudieron resistirse a detenerse para unirse a la fiesta.

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Alguien logró capturar todo en cámara, donde fue compartido en YouTube por Antoinenaccache. En poco tiempo, el video había sido visto por 288 mil personas en todo el mundo y aún continúa difundiendo alegría hasta el día de hoy.

El comienzo del clip muestra a la banda de jazz interpretando un número musical pegadizo. Ya han reunido a una gran multitud y la gente baila al ritmo de la música mientras el oficial y su caballo se acercan.

The music really makes you want to get up and dance – and the horse is no exception to this! As he and the officer draw nearer, they both begin to boogie.

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If we had to place an estimate on the type of dancing the horse is doing, we’d pretty confidently say that he’s been trained in salsa. He does some impressive two-stepping in time to the beat before making the crowd go wild with a couple of spins and kicks.

The horse’s fancy footwork is contagious, and before long the whole crowd is two-stepping backward and forwards in time with the horse. You simply can’t help smiling as you watch this video.


This horse might be at work, but that doesn’t mean that he can’t have a good time whilst on duty! And it’s good to let your mane down every now and then- so to speak.

Although the horse is the clear star of the show, we also have to give a shoutout to the officer who perfectly executes his horse’s dancing and even joins in with a couple of dance moves himself!


Apparently, Louisiana is a state known for its good vibes, and one person shared in the YouTube comments:

I can see now why people from Louisiana love their state so much. What a fantastic scene! The music, the dancing… I love the way the officer never loses composure during the whole thing, he really just lets his horse be the real performer.”


Another added:

“Only in New Orleans!!! Thank you so much for posting! The most unique city in our country!! Fabulous food, music, history and the friendliest people on earth!!”

A final person said:

“This is just amazing. I always hear New Orleans is a place like no other. Video confirms!”

After watching this joyful video, we suddenly fancy a trip to New Orleans. Watch it for yourself below!

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