Gentle giant protects his little girl at bus stop until coast is clear
This gentle giant sees these little girls every day on their school bus. Nothing could compare to the sweetness that exists in this single video.
Johndel Callora

There is nothing safer than being with the company of our loyal canine friends. Other than protecting us, they are great at easing our worries, stresses, and just being our fun-to-be-with companions all day long.

They could also be your child’s best friend.

Pexels/Matheus Bertelli
Pexels/Matheus Bertelli

Kids and dogs are bound to have a great and lasting relationship as long as they’re raised right. With continuous supervision, encouragement, and discipline, they could even be better friends than you.

There are plenty of benefits that kids can get from having a pet dog including great health, a sense of responsibility, and most especially a protector and a best friend. Nothing could go wrong with this wholesome pair.

Special bond caught on camera.

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YouTube Screenshot

To give you an example, here is a video on YouTube that shows how great a bond a kid and a dog share.

In the video, you could see a gigantic pooch from the distance along with two little kids on the sidewalk. That day, these kids were waiting on their school bus when this pooch accompanied them all the way to the bus stop.

Like a father seeing his kids safely ride their bus.

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YouTube Screenshot

This gentle pooch sat quietly behind the kids while they are having fun chatting by themselves.

After a few seconds, the bus finally came and waited for the kids to get in. The dog waited for the bus doors to close before he ran back to the house.

The scene greatly resembles a parent seeing their kids to school and the thought is nothing but pure and wholesome. Furthermore, he did a great job being a stand-in parent for the kids.

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YouTube Screenshot

This short video caught everyone’s heart on the internet.

Although you could only watch a minute-long video, the wholesome feeling that it leaves you lasts forever. The video garnered over 400,000 views on YouTube with people sharing their wonderful thoughts about the sweet pooch. One commenter wrote:

“How cuteeeeeeeee!!!!! Animals have more sense than humans give them credit for!”

Why lots of big dogs are called gentle giants.

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YouTube Screenshot

They simply deserve the title of being called “gentle giants.” Even though they could grow twice or thrice our size, some dogs remain to be your spoiled, sweet, and caring pooch. Some would say, massive dogs have massive hearts.

Some of the famous big dog breeds that are most likely to be great with families.

Pexels/Sam Lion
Pexels/Sam Lion

If you are looking for the perfect dog breed to have with your family, there is an array of choices to choose from. According to Canine Weekly’s list of dog breeds that are perfect for families with kids, the Labrador Retriever is the topmost choice followed by the fluffy and gentle Golden Retrievers.

Unsplash/Wouter De Praetere
Unsplash/Wouter De Praetere

The reason is that they are generally great with everyone, especially kids. In fact, these dog breeds are famous for being trained as therapy dogs due to their gentle and sociable nature.

Not at all times, you have to worry about the breed.

Unsplash/Sabina Fratila
Unsplash/Sabina Fratila

Although most factors depend on a dog’s breed and temperament, it is not entirely impossible for other dogs to be just as sweet as the dog in the video. Given a loving and nurturing environment, all dogs will be your kid’s best friend.

Check out the sweet video of the dog and his little girl below!

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