Stray Cat Follows Man Home And Decides She's Never Leaving
This stray cat fell in love with a man who stopped to play with her, and she decided that she was adopting him!
Rachel Shapiro

Connor Manning was going through a rough time. The Los Angeles resident had gone through a breakup, and he was feeling very down. But then, something happened that cheered him up: as he was walking home one night, he came across a very affectionate and very cute stray kitten.

Connor Manning via Twitter
Connor Manning via Twitter

Manning documented the entire encounter on Twitter. In his first Tweet, he shared a few adorable photos of his new friend.

After playing with the kitten for a while, Manning decided to head home. To his surprise, the kitten followed him all the way home. When they reached his house, Manning let the cat come inside. But she preferred being outside, so Manning went with her onto his porch. He brought her some food and water, and they continued hanging out.

Manning decided to give the cat a name: Socks!

After they hung out for a while, Manning had to head out to meet a friend. He left Socks on his porch, and he hoped that she would be there when he got back. But he wasn’t sure if she would stay around.

Connor Manning via Twitter
Connor Manning via Twitter

When Manning got home a couple hours later, Socks was gone. Manning was a bit disappointed, but he hoped that Socks was happy and safe wherever she was.

And then, an hour after Manning got home, Socks reappeared. He was so happy to see her!

One of the Twitter users following Manning’s story had a good guess for where the cat had been for that hour:

The next morning, Manning brought Socks to a veterinarian to see if she had a microchip. There, he learned that she was six months old, and she wasn’t chipped. Since Socks didn’t have an owner looking for her, she could go home with Manning.

Connor Manning via Twitter
Connor Manning via Twitter

Socks clearly wanted to stay with Manning, and Manning wanted to keep her. There was just one problem: Manning was highly allergic to cats. About 24 hours after bringing Socks home, his allergies started flaring up. And so, Manning started asking around, seeing if anyone could take the sweet cat.

Connor Manning via Twitter
Connor Manning via Twitter

One of Manning’s co-workers said they would take the cat, but before he gave her up, Manning decided to try using allergy medicine to see if that would help. To his surprise, it worked! Once he had some medicine in his system, his allergies completely stopped bothering him. And so, Manning decided to officially adopt Socks!

Connor Manning via Twitter
Connor Manning via Twitter

Socks has now been living with Manning for over eight months, and the two of them are as happy as can be. Manning documents Socks’ daily adventures on her Instagram page.

Socks loves looking out the window, taking naps, and playing with toys. But more than anything else, she loves spending time with Manning.

Connor Manning via Twitter
Connor Manning via Twitter

Socks has gone from a skinny stray kitten to a happy cat with an owner who loves her more than anything. We’re so glad these two found each other!

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