Six Cats Welcome New Puppy In Their Own Way
Lol โ€“ cats just have their way. ๐Ÿ˜Š
Eduardo Gaskell

It’s not easy being the newcomer. Be it at school or the workplace, everyone will stare and you know what’s next. They will most definitely gossip about you. Hard enough that you have the jitters with those nagging thoughts of having to fit in with the crowd.

This puppy certainly knows the feeling. She just arrived and was still trying to get comfortable when the cats came and STARED.

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Look how pretty she is!

This pup is trying her best to befriend her human with typical puppy lunges and nibbles, using her puppy dog eyes to win hearts when after awhile, she finds herself in a small cage with a bunch of strangers watching her. What a curious bunch.

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These gingers stand in front of the cage and just sniff and stare at the new puppy. As inquisitive as they are, they could have at least given the dog a warm welcome. Don’t they know it’s rude to stare?

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Apparently not.

How many cats? Try five. And they’re not even trying to hide the fact that they want to watch the newcomer. They assemble themselves like a council, observing the little dog in her cage with great interest.

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Now don’t even wonder because cats are legends at staring. They have awesome eyes which they use for hunting and who knows what shenanigans that they get themselves in to. Cats stare at their hoomans for different reasons. Bonding reasons. They literally watch your body language which is why they respond and meow to what people do. Think non verbal communication.


Staring at a dog is something else.

Better than aggression. Their body language seems to imply curiosity. It’s got fur but… It’s not one of us.

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Oh and they went from five to six cats. Must be a family since they all share the same markings. The pup is all about the black and white, plus she’s smaller, so it’s definitely worth a look. But this is too much looking!

As is with pets, it’s all about the behavior. Every single twitch, every move, bears a meaning and by the looks of it, these cats are trying to figure out who or what the puppy is. But it’s all good. They’ll all be friends eventually.


Experts say that the best way to get cats and dogs to get along is to introduce them to each other slowly with proper boundaries while allowing a bit of interaction here and there.

Hang in there, little pup!


Every time the dog moves, the cats follow with abrupt head movements. They’re like a synchronized staring machine. This family of six seem to be a friendly bunch. Just need a bit of time to warm up to the new member of the family.

The pretty puppy tries to ignore them, going about her business inside the cage but the cats proved too much for her. She gets back in her sleeping quarters to gather herself. She must have been so self conscious!

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Mustering all her courage, she goes back out and finally reaches through the bars with her tiny paw as if trying to shake with the cats. She’s trying and that’s what counts. Be proud, little one!

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Did the puppy make a good first impression? See for yourself in the video below!

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Source: YouTube, purina, catster
