Man Returns Home After Months Without Seeing Dog - Her Reaction To Seeing Him Says It All
The bond between an owner and dog is like nothing else.
D.G. Sciortino

When we’re away from our family and friends, we miss them like crazy. Our pets do the same. They too miss us when we’re far apart. Some of us just get a little more excited than others when we’re finally reunited.

And a German Shepherd named Freya is not one to contain her excitement.

She gets excited when someone comes home from running an errand. So, you could imagine how happy she was after finally seeing her owner after a few months. Freya was left with her human’s mother after he had to go on a work assignment away from home for a few months.

So, when he returned the family knew they wanted to surprise Freya.

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They even captured the adorable surprise on video. The video shows his human grandma opening the door as Freya runs to the door to happily greet her.

She has no idea that her buddy is standing to the side until he calls are her name.

She lets out a great big bark and runs over to him. Freya starts barking loudly and jumps on him before spinning in circles. Now, Freya looks like a pretty tough dog, she is a German Shepard after all and she also lets out these big tough barks.

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But after a while, Freya just starts letting out little squeals and is whining in a high pitched voice, which doesn’t make her look tough at all.

At this time she’s a puddle of mush just trying to get some hugs and pets from her long lost buddy.

She jumps up to hug him, then finally just lays in his lap. She finally stops whining after getting her belly rubbed a bit, but she still can’t seem to contain her excitement.

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She’s just so overjoyed that her human finally made it back home. This human had quite the homecoming thanks to his buddy Freya.

The video actually ended up going viral and has more than 1 million views on YouTube.

“What a sweet dog, she loves you…. mine does the same thing with me, ” said a YouTuber. “I now have another ex because she was too jealous of my beautiful German Shepard…she gave me a choice…her or the dog, I thought for less than a second…I can always trust my dog and she would never betray me.”

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You can watch this beautiful reunion in the video below.

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