Grumpy Cockatoo Refuses To Go To The Vet In Viral Video
It looks like birds can throw tantrums just as well as little kids can!
Ryan Aliapoulios

No matter who you are, there are certain chores and things we have to do to take care of ourselves that we just never want to do. Within the home, it might be cleaning the kitchen or doing laundry. Outside of the home, there’s a good chance that you hate going to doctor’s appointments or going to the dentist. As it turns out, it’s not just people who hate to do these things.

A video of a man and his particularly vocal cockatoo has proven that we have more in common with our pets than we may think.

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The video was uploaded by YouTube user Mr. Max TV.

The bird’s name is Max and the channel is mostly dedicated to daily exploits and in adventures. In one particular clip, Max’s owner tries to get the adorable little bird to get ready to go to the vet. To go to the vet, however, Max has to agree to get in his carrier. Unfortunately, there’s almost nothing he would rather do less.

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As his owner approaches with the cockatoo with his carrier, he immediately makes a hasty retreat into the closet.

The clip begins with Max turned away from the camera, mumbling angrily to himself. “You’ve gotta go in your carrier,” his owner says. “Come on, let’s go.” At this, Max retreats deeper into his hiding place, still mumbling to himself. His owner ends up chasing him around the apartment, eventually finding Max hiding under a table.

Under the table is where Max makes his last stand.

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He fluffs himself up and starts lunging up and down, screaming, “I don’t wanna!”

Max’s fit is as relatable as it is adorable. Still, his owner deserves some points for his persistence. “You’ve gotta get in your carrier! We’re gonna get your nails done!” Max won’t budge, and instead keeps cocking his head and yelling at the camera.

The footage has clearly struck a nerve as the clip has nearly 17 million views.

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Although this clip is the most viewed of all the clips on the channel, there are plenty of other clips of Max having adventures around the house.

In another video, Max explores the kitchen and makes all kinds of happy sounds while dancing around. His owner zooms in at one point to have a more intimate conversation with him—and then he swears at his owner. “What? Did you just say that word again? he asks. Still, Max just repeats himself and scuttles off into the distance. Although Max’s speaking abilities are pretty impressive, it’s not unusual for larger birds and parrots to be able to imitate human sounds. In addition to cockatoos, other birds including starlings, parakeets and parrots also have this special ability.

Needless to say, you should be careful what you say around the house if you have one these pets!

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Above all, this adorable clip of Max the cockatoo just reminds us how much other animals and human beings really have in common.

Living a balanced, adult life means plenty of daily sacrifices. We have to be pro-active about our health and show up on time to appointments we make. Sometimes, that means getting out of our pajamas, getting in the car and going to our dentist appointment, or a children’s recital, or whatever it may be. For adorable little Max, it means getting in the carrier and letting a strange person clip your nails. Sorry Max, we don’t make the rules.

If you thought this clip was hilarious, be sure to check out the rest of the channel for more of Max’s zany adventures!

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