Little kitten loves watching Tom and Jerry Cartoon
He has to be their biggest fan!
Emma Shallcross

Have you ever been chilling in the same room as your cat, and you could swear that they’re watching TV with you?

If your cat’s eyes follow the movements on your TV, then it certainly looks as if they’re watching along with you. Some cats even seem to have preferences over what’s their favorite thing to watch.

Take one British Shorthair kitten, for example.


This adorable little guy loves nothing more than to watch an episode of Tom and Jerry- for obvious reasons!

The cartoon Tom and Jerry is based around a legendary rivalry between a cat and a mouse and features many hilarious chasing and fighting scenes.


Since cats are known for their predatory instincts (particularly towards birds and mice), it’s no surprise that this little kitten is happily entertained by Tom and Jerry.

He even looks like a miniature version of Tom himself!


In the compilation video, the kitten can be seen staring intently at the phone screen as different episodes from Tom and Jerry play. His head moves as he follows the action and it’s clear just how absorbed in it he is.

At one point, he even taps his paw onto the screen like he’s trying to catch Jerry himself! He might be small, but we reckon he’d be a great match for Jerry.


The adorable video was posted on YouTube by Viral Paws, and since then it has been viewed by over 2.3 million people all over the world! People even left comments to share their love for the video:

One person joked:

“Tom has officially crossed into our universe, looking back on his life as a cartoon.”


Another added:

“This is the coolest thing I’ve seen so far this year. Things like this are good for the soul.”

Indeed they are! Watch the adorable video for yourself below.

This cute video has left us wondering whether cats can actually watch TV- and if they can, what can they see?

Well, it turns out that while cats can indeed watch TV, they won’t be seeing things the same as us humans do!


Cats Protection say: “Some studies have indicated that cats are able to identify imagery on TV, as we know that they can distinguish between outlines, patterns and textures. However, we do not know with certainty what they perceive the images to be. Cats rely much more on other senses, such as hearing and smell, to understand the world around them, so for some cats, it may just be the noises they hear and fast movements that see that attract their attention towards the screen.”


They add: “Cats that are more active hunters may show more interest in the TV than others. If they appear to be watching the action and have their eyes open with narrow pupils and their ears and whiskers pointed forward, they could be stimulated by what’s coming from the TV.”

This little kitten isn’t the only one who loves a bit of Tom and Jerry! Scroll down to watch an equally adorable video of two more Tom and Jerry fans!

The way both sets of eyes follow the screen is truly precious, and we know you’re going to love it as much as we do!

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