Horse Separated From Friends 4 Years Ago, The Moment He Sees Them Again Is Beyond Touching
You might want a tissue for this one.
Ashley Fike

Arthur loved growing up on a farm in England, running around with another horse named William. Then, when Harry joined them, the three horses were like peas in a pod. They were inseparable. Heartbreakingly, their owner, Sue Blagburn, was forced to sell Arthur in 2008.

The thoroughbred sport horse left the farm and spent the next few years competing, while his friends, Harry and William, remained behind.

Sue Blagburn via Facebook
Sue Blagburn via Facebook

It was a hard decision to make, but Sue says that it was the right thing to do at the time. However, for years after selling Arthur, Sue never stopped thinking about her beloved horse and knew one day she would have him back. After four long years – that dream became a reality and she was able to repurchase Arthur.

When Sue brought the beautiful horse back to the farm, she wasn’t entirely sure what to expect. She had a feeling that the horses would probably remember each other, but it had been over four years and wasn’t sure of their initial reaction.

“I don’t know what will happen. Let’s see,” Sue says in the video as she lets Arthur run loose.

Sue Blagburn via YouTube
Sue Blagburn via YouTube

First, Harry takes notice of Arthur trotting onto the field and is immediately overcome with excitement and joy. Harry starts to run over to greet his long-lost buddy, and Arthur matches his excitement, he begins to run toward him as well.

Once they are finally near each other, the two horses lean their heads against one another, almost displaying what can only be described as a hug. Soon – William takes note of the commotion and runs toward the two horses, completing the special reunion.

Sue Blagburn via Facebook
Sue Blagburn via Facebook

As soon as the horses are reunited, they can’t get enough snuggles and cuddles with each other. Even though it had been four years, it was clear that their bond was never broken.

After a few moments of some overwhelming emotion, the horses get back to doing what they do best together – playing! William, Harry, and Arthur begin to frolick and prance around in the field; you can feel their happiness through the screen.

Sue Blagburn via YouTube
Sue Blagburn via YouTube

After some running and trotting around, more snuggles and hugs ensue, they even give each other little kisses! At one point, the horses even begin to roll around on the ground; it’s almost as if they just can’t contain all of the excitement that they’re feeling.

“They’re just being horses, but horses that love each other and remember each other,” Sue says. She adds that the reunion was so much more deep than she ever thought possible.

Sue Blagburn via YouTube
Sue Blagburn via YouTube

Now that the horses have been reunited, Sue has moved, and she now helps with a program called Adventures With Horses. All three of the gorgeous, happy horses serve as guides for clients that are practicing leadership, communication, and other life skills.

“We offer learning and growth through the naturally occurring therapeutic and transformative opportunities horses can provide, in order to create self-awareness and well-being, and develop potential and skills which are transferable back into peoples everyday lives,” Sue says about the program.


Sue has set up a Crowdfunder page for those that would like to donate to the Adventures with Horses program. “Last year funding helped finance our children and young people group and one-to-one sessions throughout the year including offering bursaries and reduced fees to 44 people,” the site says.

If you’ve ever wondered if horses are capable of emotion, the incredibly touching video below should be more than enough proof.

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