Bull Mastiff And Tiny Chimp Become Best Friends
Rachel Shapiro

Meet Limbani and Bruno: a little a chimp and a huge bull mastiff who have become best friends!

Limbani’s owner, Mario Tabraue, runs the Zoological Wildlife Foundation in Miami, Florida. This private zoo looks after animals who were rescued by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Commission. They also look after animals that were confiscated from their previous owners. That’s just what happened with Limbani the chimpanzee.

When Limbani was just two weeks old, Mario Tabraue rescued him from a breeder in North Florida.

Limbanizwf via Instagram
Limbanizwf via Instagram

Limbani quickly settled into life with Mario and his wife. For his first few months, baby Limbani lived with the Tabraues. While he was there, he started hanging out their bull mastiff Bruno. The two quickly formed an incredible bond!

Limbanizwf via Instagram
Limbanizwf via Instagram

Mario was amazed to see how well Limbani and Bruno got along. He told the Miami Herald:

“A special bond that the chimpanzee has with Bruno is exceptional. It’s beyond what I ever expected. The endearment between them is just incredible.”

Zoological Wildlife Foundation via Facebok
Zoological Wildlife Foundation via Facebok

Mario often shares videos of Bruno and Limbani to Limbani’s Instagram page, which has more than 270,000 followers. One cute video shows the chimp and pup wrestling—the two are clearly having a great time together!

Mario also shares videos of the two best friends on the Zoological Wildlife Foundation’s Facebook page. One of these videos went massively viral in January 2018.

The video shows Bruno and Limbani hanging out on the couch together, watching TV. Limbani starts climbing on Bruno, but the big dog doesn’t mind. Bruno then shows his love for Limbani by cuddling with him.

Over 26 million people have watched this adorable video!

Limbani is now two years old, but he and Bruno are still as close as ever before. Limbani is now living at the Zoological Wildlife Foundation full-time, and Mario often brings Bruno to visit him. Even though the two animals are older, they still love playing together!

“They love each other,” Mario said. “That’s just the bottom line.”

Limbanizwf via Instagram
Limbanizwf via Instagram

Mario loves watching Limbani and Bruno play together, and he says people can learn a lot from their relationship.

“Why can a chimpanzee that has the power to tear somebody apart live with a dog … and they love each other? Yet humans can’t get along.”

Limbanizwf via Instagram
Limbanizwf via Instagram

Limbani and Bruno are an adorable pair who love each other more than anything and always enjoy spending time together. If you’d like to see more photos of the chimp and mastiff, check out Limbani’s Instagram page.

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